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Why blogging is important and where to start.

Three reasons why you need to blog and six easy steps to get you going.

Despite some claims to the contrary, blogging is most definitely alive and kicking. And it should be a part of your marketing strategy.

But why exactly? Blogging is hard. Blogging is time-consuming. Blogging can be expensive.

Done properly, though, blogging can also be an amazing way to grow your business. Here are three reasons why you need a blog strategy and six ways to get you started.

A copywriter in Cornwall creating her blog strategy @thewriterinthenest
A copywriter can help with your blog strategy and content

Three reasons why you need a blog strategy.

1) Content is king when it comes to SEO

Perhaps the most important reason to invest in a blog strategy is that content creates visibility online. Google (and the other search engines) love content. And blogs provide amazing content when written well.

In other words, the more content you create (through your blogs), the better it is for your SEO.

The Writer in the Nest can support SEO through blog content and planning.
Google loves a bit of blog content

More content = more chances of being picked up by Google. And this means more organic traffic to your business' site.

Blogging is wonderful because it allows you to create content around your SEO. You can fill it (within reason) with keywords, images, and video. Which leads to...

2) Blogging can help with both internal and external links

Including external links in your blogs, shows you know what you're talking about. You've done your homework; you know your stuff.

Linking to external sites like this one is an easy win because it gives your reader more content that is relevant to them.

(This blog is a fantastic read to help understand the difference between internal and external links. I hope you find it helpful.)

Including external links can also help boost your site traffic and SEO.

Internal links are links between pages or content within your own site. If you want to know more about this, why not drop me a line?

See what I did there?

Internal links make your site navigation easier and more useful to your reader. Meaning they are likely to stay with you for longer and have a more satisfying experience.

3) Blogging creates a conversation with your customers

Blogs are a wonderful platform to communicate better with your current and prospective customers.

They allow you to start a conversation and show a little of your story or your personality.

They enable you to include detailed information about your products or services. All wrapped up in useful and interesting content.

And, they allow you to include a call to action. Have you enjoyed this blog? Get even more by signing up to my courses, or my newsletters... you get the idea right?

The Writer in the Nest provides support with blog strategy and content.
How to get started with your blog strategy

So, now we know why a blog is important, how do you get these pesky things going? Worry not, here are...

Six easy tips to get you blogging

1) Read other people's blogs

Picasso is widely believed to have said, "good artists borrow, great artists steal."

Now, I'm not recommending you get down to some serious cutting and pasting, but reading blogs is a fantastic way to get inspiration for your own.

Find out what you enjoy, what you don't like and what you find interesting. Find out what works for others and see what you can replicate in your own way.

2) Journal every day to create content

Jotting down ramblings, ideas, and thoughts is a fantastic way to build a bank of content for your blogs (and other social media channels).

You can also scribble down ideas from the content you've found useful (see above) to use at a later date.

The Writer in the Nest Blog Planning and Support
Make a blog plan to structure your content

3) Make a blog plan

Start by writing down 12 things you'd like to talk about.

Then check this against what people actually want to know about. Try as a quick and free search against keywords.

For example, if you run an aesthetics business, you may want to write about how to create beautifully shaped lips.

A quick search of "lip fillers" may generate some interesting results. Searches like "will lip filler hurt" and "lip filler vs botox" are actually more prevalent than "perfectly shaped lips".

The title for your blog may therefore change from "Beautifully crafted lips" to "Six things you didn't know about lip fillers, including how much they really hurt".

Crafting content that you know about, blended with what people want to find out about is the perfect pairing. It means you are writing for a purpose and that your blogs will get read.

Searching against keywords will also give you inspiration for your blog plan and can help you to view your business offering in new lights.

4) Structure your blogs effectively

Blogs are like stories; they need a beginning, middle and end. Tell your reader what you're going to tell them. Tell them. Then tell them what you've told them.

Add in some pictures, links, videos or gifs, and you're away. Simple right?

5) Add in a call to action

Remember that your blogs are a conversation with your customer. You may not be able to sell directly through your blogs, but you can include a call to action such as signing up to your newsletter or a reminder about some amazing courses you are running.

Because you have given them some interesting content, you can add in a relevant call to action without it sounding too pushy.

6) Start writing

Your blog doesn't have to be perfect. With a good plan and some keyword research behind you, start writing and see what works for your business. Use your analytics to check the effectiveness of different content, length and styles to see what works. And don't be afraid to mix it up now and then. Remember that a blog is a reflection of your professionalism and a communication platform with your customer base.

Keep your sentences short and to the point and don't let bad grammar or spelling pull you down. Tools like Grammarly can be a great way to check your content.

Anna Ireland The Writer in the Nest Blog strategy.
Get started, analyse and enjoy your blogging (or hire a copywriter who can do it for you).

So there you are. Three great reasons why you should be blogging. And six easy steps to follow to get you started with your own blog.

And of course, if you're still finding it all a struggle, a good copywriter is the best way to get your blog strategy up and running. In fact, I know a perfect one in Cornwall...

Message me on or contact me on the main page if you need any help or support with your blog strategy or content. I'd be happy to get stuck in.

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